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Urgent Care

Advanced Urgent Care with Imaging, Labs, and Emergency Medicine MD

By Urgent Care

NasonCare is Your One Stop for Rapid Treatment

Efficiency Without Referral Hassles and Long Wait Times

Comprehensive Treatment for Diverse Urgent Medical Concerns All Under One Roof

Skilled Healthcare Professionals for Personalized Care

Cutting-Edge On-Site Imaging and Lab Services

Five-Star Service, Everyday

Accessible Quality Care 7 Days a Week

7 Top Reasons to Seek Urgent Care in the Fall

By Urgent Care

The fall season brings its own set of health risks and concerns and seeking urgent care when needed can help protect your health. From seasonal viruses, the flu, and COVID’s resurgence to outdoor accidents, finding a medical home open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily for walk-ins is a first step to prioritizing your health.  

Seasonal viruses such as the flu and common cold are more prevalent during this time. Children going back to school and residing in close quarters, promotes the spread of illnesses. Seeking urgent care at the first sign of symptoms can prevent the spread of these viruses and ensure a faster recovery. Here are the top 7 reasons patients turn to urgent care to feel better fast. 

Reasons to Seek Urgent Care in the Fall

Fall allergies can be severe

Fall allergies, commonly triggered by the prevalence of ragweed and mold spores in the air on the East Coast, can be more than just a nuisance for many individuals. They can impair daily activities. Autumn allergens can cause a range of symptoms, including sneezing, itching, watery eyes, nasal congestion, and respiratory difficulties.  

Expensive and often unproductive over the counter remedies frequently just delay symptoms that return with a vengeance. When you visit NasonCare urgent and primary care, our medical professionals can evaluate your symptoms and perform tests to determine the exact cause of your allergic reactions. Based on the findings, we will recommend appropriate medications to alleviate your symptoms effectively. Thus, preventing adjacent issues like sinus infections that may result from allergies left untreated. 


Flu season is in full swing

That’s right, flu season is here. The flu can be much more than just a minor inconvenience. It can knock you off your feet for days, or even weeks, with symptoms such as high fever, fatigue, body aches, and respiratory problems. In severe cases, the flu can lead to complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or worsening of existing health conditions. 

By seeking NasonCare urgent care at the first sign of the flu, you can receive prompt diagnosis and treatment to alleviate your symptoms, prevent complications, and shorten the duration of the illness. Medical professionals can prescribe antiviral medications that can make a significant difference in your recovery time. 

Even better, we provide flu shots to help protect you from getting the flu in the first place. Getting vaccinated safeguards your health and helps prevent the spread of the virus to those more vulnerable, such as young children and the elderly. 


Accidents are more common in the fall

The fall season brings with it an uptick in injuries. Sports are back in full swing for school-aged children, and cooler weather brings out adults looking to take their fitness efforts outdoors. This can result in injuries such as sprains, fractures, and head trauma. 

Whether navigating a football injury or a fall from a ladder, NasonCare provides in-house X-rays and CT to determine the extent of your injury on the spot. 


A new strain of COVID is on the rise

Find out if it is COVID and treat it fast at NasonCare. The new strain of COVID is rising in occurrence, but we have a much better handle on how to identify and treat COVID in 2023. Be smart and determine whether it is COVID, then treat symptoms quickly to recover faster and help prevent long COVID. Vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and people with chronic diseases, have antiviral treatments available now. Our board-certified emergency physician and team will help you navigate the ever-changing information around COVID effectively. 

Note: PCR tests may be required by some employers to allow for time off. Let your NasonCare provider know if this is required. 


Mental health concerns are prevalent

The changing seasons and the impending holidays can trigger feelings of sadness, anxiety, or even depression for many individuals. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a common condition that affects people during the fall and winter months. SAD is characterized by symptoms such as low mood, lack of energy, and changes in appetite and sleep patterns. If left untreated, it can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Additionally, the stress and pressure of the upcoming holidays can cause people to experience feelings of loneliness or increased social anxiety.  

If you or a loved one are experiencing depression or anxiety, we invite you to walk in and work through some options for relief with our providers. We have several trusted mental health specialists available for referral as needed. 


It’s vital to catch early signs of serious illnesses

Is it strep, a cold, flu, COVID-19, a bacterial infection, pneumonia, or other? Are these aches and pains a symptom of a bigger issue? Is it a tummy ache or an appendicitis? Do I need stitches? What is this rash? We have the answers. NasonCare primary and urgent care is equipped with experienced medical professionals and on-site diagnostics and lab work to diagnose and treat a wide range of illnesses. They have the expertise to identify symptoms early on and provide appropriate treatment 


Preventive care is essential for long-term health

When it comes to your health, prevention is always better than cure. Seeking urgent care as a first step to finding your primary care medical home may be the best thing you and your family can do to protect your health over time. NasonCare offers easy access, affordable self-pay, and accepts most insurances. We have full-time and exam areas dedicated to our primary care patients. Let us be your doctor. From flu shots to annual check-ups, we make wellness easy. 


Go To Nason

By considering these essential tips, you can find a quality urgent care facility near you that meets your specific needs and provides the level of care you deserve. For more information and to see estimated times for patient care, just go to Walk-ins welcome.

Summer Cold, Asthma, Or Other?

By Urgent Care

Decoding Your Summer Symptoms: Is it a Cold, Asthma, or Something Else?

Understanding the Common Summer Symptoms


Sneezing and Runny Nose

Onset and Duration of Symptoms

Shortness of Breath

Triggers and Environmental Factors

Response to Medications

Identifying other possible causes

  • Allergies
  • Sinusitis
  • Respiratory infections
  • Environmental factors

Seeking medical advice for accurate diagnosis

7 Essential Tips for Finding Quality Urgent Care Near You Now

By Urgent Care

Urgent Medical Care

When it comes to urgent medical care, finding a reliable and quality provider is crucial. Whether you’re suffering from a sudden illness or in need of immediate medical attention, it’s important to know where to turn for fast, affordable and quality care. With the rise of urgent care clinics in recent years, it can be overwhelming to sift through the options and find the best one for your needs. NasonCare’s board-certified emergency physician and owner, Barron Nason, MD, shares 7 essential tips for finding quality urgent care near you. These tips will help you navigate the world of urgent care and ensure you receive the highest level of care when you need it most.

Reviews and Recommendations

One of the best ways to find quality urgent care near you is to consider reviews and recommendations from others. This can include checking online review websites, asking friends or family members for their personal experiences, or even reaching out to your primary care physician for their recommendations. Experience is key. Does the provider have experience in emergency medicine? Does the provider have raving fans overall?

Recommendations from friends or family members can also be valuable as they can provide firsthand accounts of their experiences with a specific urgent care provider. At NasonCare, we are proud of our five-star service. Through the years, the time we spend with patients, our deep knowledge of emergency medicine diagnosis and treatment options, and our belief that healthcare should wait on you – not the other way around – sets us apart from other urgent care facilities.



The location of the urgent care facility is an important factor to consider. You want to choose a facility that is conveniently located and easily accessible in case of an emergency. Centrally located next to Northwoods Mall with plenty of parking, NasonCare is purposefully housed in a previous hospital emergency building to provide full-service care in one place.


Services Offered

Different urgent care facilities may offer different services. It’s important to review the services offered by each facility to ensure they meet your specific needs. Some urgent care clinics are limited in their scope of care. NasonCare has on-site x-ray, CT, labs, occupational medicine, urgent care, primary care, and employee care services.


Staff Qualifications:

Look for facilities that have certified healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and physician assistants. For example, board certification in emergency medicine is ideal. It’s essential to know that you will be in capable hands and receive high-quality care.


Hours of Operation:

Urgent care facilities have different operating hours, so check their schedule. Look for a facility that offers convenient hours, including evenings and weekends. NasonCare is open seven days a week from 8 am to 8 pm. Summer Sunday hours may apply.


Cleanliness and Hygiene:

The cleanliness and hygiene of the urgent care facility are crucial for your safety and well-being. Look for facilities that maintain high standards of cleanliness, both in waiting areas and examination rooms. A clean and well-maintained facility reflects the facility’s commitment to providing quality care.


Insurance Acceptance and Self-Pay Rates:

Before choosing an urgent care facility, ensure that they accept your health insurance. At NasonCare, we accept most insurances and have a very affordable self-pay rate. An example, a hospital CT is over 4,000 dollars while a CT at NasonCare is under 300 dollars. Pricing varies depending on the area of the baby being scanned and whether contrast is needed. Having on-site CT and x-ray means our NasonCare patients don’t have to go to a second location for diagnosis and treatment.


Go To Nason

By considering these essential tips, you can find a quality urgent care facility near you that meets your specific needs and provides the level of care you deserve. For more information and to see estimated times for patient care, just go to Walk-ins welcome.

The 5 Benefits of Having a Primary Care Physician Anxiety Assesment

By Urgent Care

If you suffer from anxiety, you are not alone. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults. That’s 18% of the population! Young and mature people across the nation are suffering and struggling to get access to treatment solutions.

While there are many different treatment options available for anxiety, one of the most effective is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is a type of therapy that helps you identify and change the negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to your anxiety. CBT has been shown to be effective in the treatment of anxiety, but it can be expensive and time-consuming and difficult to get in to see a reputable therapist. A newer, shorter form of CBT called Primary Care Physician Anxiety Assessment (PCPAA) has shown promising results in the treatment of anxiety.

Read on to learn more about the 5 benefits of having a PCPAA for anxiety.

1. Better Access to Mental Health Services

One of the main benefits of coming to NasonCare Primary Care for an Anxiety Assessment is the ability to quickly see a provider that is affordable and experienced. An assessment in a primary care setting and be referred to other appropriate mental health services if needed quickly.

By making mental health services more accessible, PCPAA can reduce the amount of time it takes for people to get treatment for their anxiety. In turn, this could help reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life for people with anxiety disorders.

2. Reduced Cost

One of the main benefits of coming to NasonCare Primary Care for an Anxiety Assessment is the ability to quickly see a provider that is affordable and experienced. An assessment in a primary care setting and be referred to other appropriate mental health services if needed quickly.

By making mental health services more accessible, PCPAA can reduce the amount of time it takes for people to get treatment for their anxiety. In turn, this could help reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life for people with anxiety disorders.

3.Reducing Stigma

Because NasonCare Primary Care Providers assess the physical as well as mental health impact on those struggling with anxiety, it can be easier for people who are reluctant to seek help from a mental health professional to do so in this less intimidating environment.

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4. Improved Diagnosis

Finally, another benefit of NasonCare’s Primary Care Anxiety Assessment is that it can be used to help diagnose anxiety more accurately and quickly. We use various diagnostic tools to assess the patient’s anxiety and decide the best course of action. A primary care physician identifies signs and symptoms that are more subtle and/or that impact physical health than those noticed by a mental health professional.

5. Cost-Effective and Time-Saving

NasonCare’s anxiety assessment is a cost-effective and time-saving option. When anxiety strikes, we are open 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm for walk-ins. Knowing that our Primary Care program can provide an accurate diagnosis, at affordable prices, with little to no wait time, can help patients when they need it most. Saving the patient from having to schedule multiple appointments for therapy sessions, combined with the benefit of your primary care anxiety assessment typically being covered by health insurance, makes this a more expedited, affordable option.

The impact of anxiety on physical health

Having anxiety is more than just a mental health issue. It can also have an impact on a person’s physical health. Anxiety can lead to a variety of physical problems, such as an irregular heart rate, headaches, nausea, hair loss, body aches, sleep deprivation, and stomachaches. It can also weaken the immune system, making it harder for an individual to fight off viruses and infections. This can lead to frequent occurrences of colds, flus, and other illnesses.

Having a primary care physician anxiety assessment can help individuals identify the root cause of their physical issues and take action to reduce their anxiety and improve their physical health. Treatment may include medication, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), lifestyle changes, and relaxation techniques, among others. By understanding the physical consequences of anxiety and receiving appropriate treatment, individuals can take back their health and well-being.

The importance of early diagnosis and treatment

Early diagnosis and treatment of primary care physician anxiety are essential for reducing symptoms and improving patients’ quality of life. Having an accurate diagnosis helps ensure that individuals are receiving the right care and therapy for their condition, which can lead to quicker symptom relief. In comparison, if anxiety is left untreated, symptoms can worsen, leading to a decrease in quality of life.

Early diagnosis can also help lead to better long-term outcomes. Untreated anxiety can lead to physical health risks such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and even stroke. Early diagnosis can help to reduce these physical health risks.

When having an anxiety assessment with a primary care physician, individuals should be prepared to provide information about their symptoms, the impact it has on their life, and their family history. A primary care physician can use this information to look for signs of anxiety and other mental health disorders and start patients on the path to early treatment, if necessary.

The role of primary care physicians in anxiety management

When managing an anxiety disorder, it is important to have the help of a NasonCare primary care physician. Our providers can play an important role in diagnosing and treating anxiety. They are trained to help individuals identify the signs and symptoms of anxiety and provide an initial treatment plan.

We can then provide referrals to specialist treatment providers, such as anxiety therapists or psychiatrists as needed. The NasonCare Primary Care team assesses the severity of the anxiety and adjusts medications and treatment plans as needed. Call NasonCare or walk in for your assessment.

Does A Sudden Change In Temperature Make You Sick? New Study Finds Out

By Urgent Care

We all know that sudden changes in temperature can be uncomfortable, but did you know that they can also make you sick? A new study has found that exposure to extreme cold or heat can increase your risk of developing a respiratory infection.

The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, looked at data from more than 1,600 people in the United States. The participants were asked about their health, their exposure to temperature changes, and their use of air conditioning and heating.

The study found that exposure to sudden and extreme temperature changes increases the risk of developing a respiratory infection, particularly in people who are vulnerable to health problems, including the elderly and young children.

The research also found that people who are exposed to extreme cold or heat are more likely to suffer from respiratory infections than those who are not. Furthermore, people who don’t use air conditioning or heating may be more prone to respiratory illnesses, due to their increased exposure to drastic temperature fluctuations.

The study also found that the effects of temperature swings are most significant when the fluctuations are greatest. This means that if you’re going to be exposed to extreme temperatures, it’s important to take all the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your

According to the study, individuals who are exposed to temperature swings are more likely to suffer from respiratory illnesses. These include symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, sore throat, and fatigue. Sudden changes in temperature can be especially dangerous for people who have asthma and/or allergies, as these can be worsened by extreme temperatures.

How to protect yourself from getting sick

We all have experienced the Lowcountry’s Spring. Cold weather jackets one day, shorts weather the next. There are several ways to protect yourself from becoming ill due to sudden changes in temperature. Here are a few tips:

  1. Wear layers: Layering clothes is the best way to protect yourself against sudden changes in temperature. When it starts to get cold, adding extra clothes will help you stay warm. When it starts to heat up, you can shed some of your layers as needed.
  2. Eat healthy: Eating healthy foods can help to strengthen your immune system and prevent you from getting sick. Eating immune-boosting foods such as citrus fruits, garlic, and yogurt can help your body to cope with extreme temperatures.
  3. Get enough rest: Make sure you are getting enough rest each night. Lack of sleep can make you more vulnerable to sickness by decreasing your body’s natural defenses. Try to stick to a consistent sleep schedule as much as possible.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and help to flush out any toxins from your body. Also, avoid drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol as both can cause dehydration.
  5. Wash your hands: Proper hygiene is essential for preventing sickness. Make sure to wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content.
  6. Take Vitamin D: Vitamin D is found to protect against weather fluctuation illnesses.

When illness does strike, walk-in to NasonCare any day between 8am and 8pm for fast, affordable, quality care served with popcorn and a smile. Located near Northwoods Mall in North Charleston with plenty of parking.

5 Tips for Choosing a Good Urgent Care Near Me

By Urgent Care

When illness or injury strikes unexpectedly, convenient care is more important than ever. Finding the right practice is key, ensuring you know where to go for trusted care in a hurry. Read on to learn more about choosing the right urgent care center – right here at home.

How to Choose A Good Urgent Care Center

Here are a few helpful hints for selecting a high-quality urgent care center:

Tip #1: Find out which care providers are “in-network.”
Check with your health insurance company to find out which medical practices are “in-network.”

Tip #2 Pick a practice with flexible hours that fit your schedule.
When deciding if the urgent care practice is a good fit for you, ask the following:

  • What is the typical wait time?
  • Can I schedule an appointment or check in online?
  • How are test results delivered?
  • Can you refill my prescriptions?
  • Are virtual visits available?

Tip #3 Seek board certified physicians.
Check that the urgent care’s medical staff is certified and experienced in treating a variety of illnesses and injuries.

Tip #4 Check reviews. 
Take a look at online reviews or ask for referrals from family, friends, other physicians, etc.

Tip #5 Schedule a visit to confirm it’s a good match.
The best way to see if a Charleston area urgent care center is right for you is to pay them a visit! During your appointment, note wait times, ease of check-in, time spent with your medical professional, etc.

What Is Urgent Care?

Urgent care centers provide treatment for medical conditions that are not life threatening but require immediate care. They are considered the middle ground between primary care practices and emergency rooms, offering more convenience than traditional doctor’s offices without the hassle of visiting a bustling, overburdened ER.

Common Medical Services Provided By An Urgent Care Center

Your Charleston area urgent care physician is equipped to treat the following:

  • Cold and flu
  • Bronchitis
  • Fever
  • Allergies
  • Broken bones
  • Dislocations
  • Acute injury
  • Minor cuts, scrapes, abrasions, etc.
  • Allergic reactions and rashes
  • Fractures
  • Headaches
  • Heartburn and indigestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Lacerations
  • Animal bites
  • Asthma or difficulty breathing
  • Back pain or injury
  • Sinus infection and congestion
  • Sore throat and strep
  • Sports injuries
  • Bug bites and stings
  • Chickenpox
  • Dehydration
  • Diabetes concerns
  • Earaches and ear infections
  • Eye irritation
  • Foreign objects in the eyes or nose
  • Lice
  • Minor burns and wounds
  • Car accident injuries
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pink eye and styes
  • Poison Ivy & Poison Oak
  • Respiratory infections
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STD/STI)
  • Shingles
  • Sprain, strains and joint pain
  • Upper Respiratory Infections
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI) and bladder infections
  • Viruses

Difference Between An Urgent Care vs. Hospital

Urgent care centers provide a more affordable alternative to hospital emergency rooms. Plus, patients will likely enjoy shorter wait times and more interaction with their physician. But remember, for severe, life-threatening medical conditions, get to the ER immediately.

Common Benefits of Seeking An Urgent Care Center

Be sure to choose a Charleston area urgent care center that boasts the following benefits:

  • More convenient hours than primary care practices.
  • Increased affordability.
  • Shorter wait times than the emergency room.
  • No appointment needed.
  • Quality care for non-life-threatening conditions.

What To Expect For My Urgent Care Visit

Here is what you can expect when visiting a North Charleston urgent care center:

  • Discuss current symptoms with your urgent care physician.
  • Provide your medical history and underlying concerns.
  • Mention any prescription medications you are taking.
  • Receive a physical exam and any necessary blood work, tests, etc.
  • Get a diagnosis and treatment options.
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment if needed.

What To Bring During An Urgent Care Visit

To streamline the check-in process, bring the following to your appointment:

  • Picture identification
  • Names of prescription medications
  • Health insurance information
  • Primary care physician’s name
  • Relevant medical documentation/records

When Should I Visit A North Charleston Urgent Care Near Me?

For urgent care services from a team you trust, get to NasonCare! Our Charleston area medical staff provides convenient, quality care when you need it most – so come see us today!

There’s no appointment needed, but to cut down on wait times, simply pre-register online! We’re located near the Northwoods Mall in North Charleston, SC, here to serve you from 8am to 8pm – every day of the week. Getting great care close to home is easier than ever, so hurry in to locals’ trusted North Charleston urgent care center today!

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